Edward Riordan - Remote Viewing Dark Matter

Edward Riordan is an explorer - and in some cases a pioneer. Through Remote Viewing, Edward is exploring the universe and reporting back what he experiences. His recent tasking to explore dark matter has had a profound impact on him, and possibly changed his life…

“Thirty-thousand hours,” is a lot of time to spend in altered states of consciousness, however, it’s a journey Edward has braved in the name of exploration, learning, and personal development. In this podcast, Edward shares more of his experience and wisdom, and takes us through his journey to explore the Xenon1T Dark Matter Detector.

The Xenon1T Dark Matter Detector is designed to detect the presence of what’s called Weakly Interacting Mega Particles, or WIMPs. These particles are theoretical and have never been observed or proven to exist. Edward, however, was able to experience one during a series of remote-viewing sessions. In addition, he was able to perceive the source of inspiration for the scientist who designed the project.

Communicating with the Future & Facing your Fears

What are the Implications?

What impact does remote viewing have on a viewer? Edward spends some time sharing his journey and the impacts this experience has had on his life. Some experiences change you, Edward explained, much like an astronaut who has walked on the moon will never view the Earth the same, Edward is now trying to realign his perspective after encountering this particle and completing these sessions.

Edward Riordan

For more information about Edward and his journey, you can visit his YouTube channel, HERE.

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Sometimes our energy feels drained. We may accumulate psychic attachments, parasites, blockages, or drains. Walking in nature or immersing in flowing water c...

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